Dealing with hearing loss is more common as we get older. People over the age of 50 with what is considered “normal” hearing should visit the audiologist every three years for a checkup because each year, our hearing can depreciate by one decibel from that age.

As we enter the fall months, you might be wondering how to effectively look after your hearing and yourself so you can enjoy most of the fall festivities while wearing hearing aids. If so, you have come to the right place. Here, we will help you out with how to enjoy fall activities with hearing aids.

Let People Know

It is obvious that your closest friends and family will know about your hearing loss and hearing aids. However, not everyone will know, so it is important to make everyone aware so that they can adjust the festivities and activities for you so you can enjoy it as much as they can. When participating in group events like a festival or family gathering, you can rest assured your friends and loved ones will keep you in the conversational loop.

Turn the Excess Noise Down

Whatever event you are attending, it is important to make the guests aware that you would like the noise to be kept down so that you can enjoy it to the maximum. If you are going to a fall party of some kind and the music is too loud, then you might struggle to have conversations or completely relax.

Having the music too loud can make it difficult for you to understand what people are saying, which can cause listening. Fatigue can cause you to feel tired and stressed throughout the event, which is not what you want to feel if you want to enjoy the fall festivities.

Find a Good Seat When You Arrive

When you arrive at the fall event, it is important to find the best seat possible so that you can maintain a good conversation and ensure not just sit anywhere that is too loud. Let’s say your friend is having a fall party to invite the season in. Whenever there is a party, there is likely going to be music. It is a great idea for you to find a seat away from the source of sound so that you can feel comfortable and at ease.

When people are aware of your hearing aids, they will make sure to account for your needs at various events so that you can enjoy your time and not feel alone or left out.

Step Outside from Time to Time

While you are attending fall events, it is a wise idea to step outside from time to time as this will help you avoid listening fatigue and ensure that you can find some peace and quiet throughout the event. Even if it is cold, ensure that you make time to step outside and find a moment of quiet.

Keep Your Hearing Aids Dry

Shielding your hearing aids from moisture is imperative, particularly during the fall when damp conditions are more prevalent. Rain and humidity can pose significant risks to the delicate electronic components of your devices. Exercise caution when venturing out in wet weather and consider utilizing protective covers designed specifically for hearing aids. These covers act as a barrier, preventing moisture from seeping into the intricate mechanisms. Alternatively, wearing a hat with a wide brim can also serve as an effective shield against rain and humidity.

Don’t Forget the Spare Batteries

Carrying spare batteries for your hearing aids is a practical precaution, especially during fall activities. The cooler temperatures characteristic of the season can lead to a faster depletion of battery life. By having extras readily available, you can quickly replace them should your hearing aids run low on power. This foresight is particularly crucial during outdoor adventures, where access to new batteries may be limited.

Additionally, it provides peace of mind, knowing that you can swiftly address any potential interruptions in your hearing aid performance. Whether you’re exploring nature trails, attending social gatherings or simply enjoying the autumn scenery, having spare batteries on hand ensures that you can fully immerse yourself in the experience without any disruptions to your auditory clarity and comfort.

Using these tips, you will guarantee to maximize your enjoyment and satisfaction of fall festivities while wearing hearing aids. Never feel that you need to miss out on an event as you can guarantee to adjust the environment or your hearing aid settings to enjoy it to the full.

If you want to learn more about how you can get the most out of your hearing aids, reach out to the team at Alliance Center for Hearing by calling (701) 401-9719.

Tags: hearing aid basics, hearing aid repair, how-to guides